
Invisalign – Pediatric, Teen, and Adult


happy invisalign patient in riverside Everyone wants a pearly smile with perfectly aligned teeth. Fortunately, it is possible to get properly-aligned teeth through carefully tailored dental treatments. At Peters Family Dentistry, we offer a wide range of dental treatments, including traditional braces and Invisalign.

If you want a set of perfectly aligned teeth, braces are your best solution. Our experienced dentist will examine your teeth carefully to understand the extent of the misalignment before they recommend a treatment option.

Most patients prefer and can use Invisalign, which is an effective way to straighten teeth. In rare occasions, the dentist will recommend traditional metal braces if your teeth are severely misaligned. If you want straight and attractive teeth with Invisalign, don’t hesitate to call us to book an appointment today.

 Call our Riverside office
at (951) 685-3355 Today!


Invisalign Patient Before and After Images

Your smile should look good from all views. We make sure you are happy from all views before we stop treatment.

We Are A Top Invisalign Provider In Riverside

  • How long does it take to achieve optimal results?

  • Is Invisalign for teens or adults?

  • Can i get an invisalign dentist near me?

  • Are these clear plastic aligners removable?

  • What is the cost of these invisible braces?

Invisalign for Teens and Adults

This treatment is very popular with teens, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t suitable for adults. Many adults want to look their best in their professional and personal life. Traditional braces are highly visible, which can have an impact on your confidence. Invisalign is nearly invisible and blends in which your natural teeth. This helps people of all ages feel comfortable and relaxed during social situations.

The treatment is easy to manage at home and provides great results. That’s one of the reasons why we recommend Invisalign for everyone. Many people often skip wearing braces altogether because they don’t want to wear traditional braces. Invisalign is the ideal option for them.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign are aligners made from safe, clear plastic material. They are custom-made for every patient. Each set of aligners are different, designed to straighten the teeth in stages.

Patients wear one set for two weeks before they switch to the next set of aligners. The back of the aligners are hard but the front is smooth to ensure your lips and tongue don’t suffer any damage. They are made of a transparent plastic material and are almost invisible, thus the name. They also have removable buttons to keep the aligners in place according to your requirements.

Invisalign -Treatment Duration

Traditional orthodontic treatment involving metal braces take a lot of time to deliver the best result. Some people are forced to wear braces for more than two years. Invisalign is a quicker treatment option because it takes around 12 months to complete.

However, the duration really depends on the condition of your teeth at the start of your treatment. If you need more movement and sets, the treatment might take more than 12 months.

Invisalign Process

The Invisalign process is very quick and straightforward. After the dentist determines you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, this is what the process involves:

  • Our dentist will either take a dental impression of your teeth or scan your intraoral cavity.
  • Based on the scans or the impressions, experts will create a mold.
  • The dentist will then work with Invisalign experts to create the right braces for the best fit.
  • On the second consultation, our dentist will explain the Invisalign process and show you what your teeth might look like in the future after the treatment is complete.
  • Once you are ready for the treatment, our office will sort of the documentation and finances for the procedure.
  • The dentist will then work with Invisalign experts to fabricate your new set of aligners. Once they are complete, you can pick them up.

You will need to switch the aligners to ensure the alignment movement is consistent. The dentist will also provide clear instructions on how to maintain your Invisalign and keep your teeth healthy.

Invisalign aligners are removable. You can take them out when you eat, drink, or brush your teeth. The aligners need to stay on your teeth for 22 hours every day for the best results. You will meet with our dentist at pre-determined times during the alignment process. This ensures the treatment is always on track.

Call our Riverside office
at (951) 685-3355 Today!